5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Slipcovers for Your Sofa

Sofa Slipcover

When you live in an apartment with a small living space, it can be challenging to find ways to make the space feel like home. If your sofa is one such challenge, consider investing in slipcovers to help it fit better into the space. With a few key pieces, you can transform almost any sofa into something more suitable for your home. We all know that slipcovers are comfy and we love them all over again when we see them on our favorite furniture pieces. But, buying slipcovers and getting them on the right piece of furniture can be challenging, especially if you have not done it before. Fortunately, there are some common mistakes that many people make when buying slipcovers, which can save you time and money in the long run. Here are five mistakes to avoid when buying slipcovers for your sofa.

Confusing the terms "slipcover" and "sofa cover"

A slipcover is a general term that encompasses different types of sofa covers. You may see other terms as well, such as sofa cushion covers, sofa furniture covers, and sofa fabric covers. All of these terms generally refer to the same thing – a cover for your sofa. Slipcovers are available in many types of fabrics and patterns, so you can choose the best one for your lifestyle and personality. Some are designed for aesthetic purposes only, while others are meant to withstand heavy use. There are two main types of slipcovers: those that fit over the top of the cushions and those that are meant to be pulled over the entire piece of furniture, like a dust cover. If you are looking for a replacement, you can buy a sofa slipcover in any color, pattern or fabric you like. You may also find a sofa cover that is made of a material that is stain resistant, water repellant, or even water proof.

Forgetting to measure the length of your sofa

Before you begin shopping for a sofa slipcover, you must first measure the length of your sofa. A sofa slipcover that is too short will likely twist, sag, and look messy, while one that is too long will bunch up at the ends, making it look sloppy and awkward. If you want to be sure that your sofa cover is the right length, you should take at least two measurements – the length of the sofa and the length of the seating area. Some people prefer a longer cover that buttons or zips at both ends, while others prefer a shorter cover that just hits at the back of the sofa. Even if your sofa is new, it is highly likely that it will still need a slipcover at some point, depending on how often it is used. If you have kids or animals, you are likely to need a slipcover sooner than others.

Failing to realize that fabric varies by manufacturers

If you have ever shopped for a sofa slipcover, you have probably noticed that they are not all made of the same fabric. Some are made from a thicker fabric, while others are made from a thinner fabric. When choosing your sofa slipcover fabric, you need to keep two things in mind: the type of sofa that you have and the look and feel that you want for your room. If you have a heavier piece of furniture, you may want to select a heavier fabric. On the other hand, if you want a lighter, more airy look in your room, then a lighter fabric would be better. After you have taken these two factors into consideration, you can search for fabrics based on color and pattern. There is a wide variety of fabrics available, so you can choose the best one for your home.

Expecting too much from a slipcover

While a slipcover is a quick and inexpensive way to completely change the look of your sofa, it is not meant to withstand heavy use. If you have kids or pets or you regularly hold parties where drinks are present, a slipcover is not the best choice. Before you begin shopping for a sofa slipcover, you should have an idea of how often it will be used, who will use it, and the kinds of activities that will take place while it is in use. You should also take the condition of your sofa into consideration. For example, if your sofa is very old, a slipcover is likely to become faded and worn much quicker than it would on a newer sofa.

Mistaking price for quality

Because a sofa slipcover is a quick and inexpensive way to change the look of your sofa, you might think that you must get the cheapest one you can find. However, this is not always the case. If you want your sofa slipcover to last, you should invest in a good-quality fabric, even if it means spending a little more money up front. Cheap fabrics do not wear well, and they do not wash well, either. They also tend to fade quickly and do not look nearly as nice as a high-quality fabric would. Remember, you get what you pay for, so if you invest in a high-quality fabric, you can expect it to last longer.


Regardless of which type of sofa you own, a sofa slipcover is a quick and inexpensive way to completely change the look of your sofa. In addition to changing the look, a sofa slipcover can also protect your sofa from spills, pet hair, and other messes. Whether you have kids or pets, expect to spill something on your sofa from time to time. A sofa slipcover can be easily removed and taken to the cleaners, making it much easier to clean than a traditional sofa. If you are shopping for a sofa slipcover, keep these five mistakes in mind so that you can choose the best one for your home.
