First aid when bullying at school

Neurologists have long proved that good deeds are changing our brain. For example, there are several rather simple and simple techniques that will help you stop mocking your child at school.

It is important to note that these methods work only if you get full support from the teacher.

Do not ignore the problem
Often in their desire to be good parents, people may not want to intervene and think that this is a good life lesson, namely, that this is how their child will study. Just to protect yourself.

But here it is good to remember that this is just a child and he still needs your support in any situation.

Seek for help to a school psychologist

In any case, if you feel any changes in the behavior of the child, it is better to talk to him first, as well as with the teacher, to find out what is the reason for this.

You can also seek help from a school psychologist who tactfully and imperceptibly try to figure out the reason.

Do not encourage revenge and violence
Your goal is to stop the mockery of school, and not turn your child into another child who mocks others and pours out his anger on those who are weaker than him.

Also, keep in mind that often children who mock others can make a whole group, and no matter how strong yours, it cannot cope with 2-3 children.

Children's aggression in this case can lead to even more serious consequences.

Sport as a means of protection
This can give the child more confidence and strength of mind. When playing sports, he will be able to find peers with similar interests.

Thus, he will learn not to depend on the opinions and behavior of other people, as well as on purely social habits.

Encourage him to tell about his problems and share with you
School mockery tips
As a parent, you must be able to help your child, teach him to trust you and share your problems with you. You need to be friends with the child.

However, if you do not know that he has some difficulties or worse - he is experiencing mockery at school, you cannot help him.

Talk to your child, share with him how your day has passed, giving him an example for this.

However, if you know that something is wrong at the initial stage, it will be much easier for you to take timely and adequate measures to solve the problem.

Talk to other parents
Although this is not practiced in schools, and not a single teacher will give you the contacts of other parents, today with the help of social networks and the Internet this is not at all difficult. Contact the parents of another child in the classroom.

They may not even realize that their child is eating you, and you can solve the problem peacefully with the help of just one dialogue.

However, if you encounter resistance, then culturally and civilizedly explain to them that if this does not stop, you will seek help to the relevant services to get down to business. Visit us escort girls berlin it will be fun!
